Your country and the world now belong to you and those who follow you.
I am so sorry that you are inheriting from my generation a world that is in such disarray.
However, over my lifetime of many regrets, I have hopefully gained some wisdom that I would like to share with you.
Change comes slowly.
Your generation brought about a more perfect union by supporting equal rights for our LGBT citizens. You discussed the issues with parents, grandparents, families and friends. You made the difference but recognize that it took many years for this to happen and yes there is still more work to do.
I know you are busy and your time is limited. However…
Protect and strengthen our fragile democracy and support other nations that are threatened.
Whether you live in a large city, small town or a rural area, please be involved in your community and government, local, state and federal. Never hesitate to contact your elected office holders. Be willing to praise, question and/or criticize.
Consider running for an elected office.
Educate yourselves about the issues that are important to you.
Follow legislation that is being considered both in your state and in congress.
Check your sources of information for accuracy and be willing to explore both sides of an issue.
Listen to others who do not agree with you.
Compromise is not “selling out” but a necessary function of governance as it is in our personal relationships.
I have full confidence and faith in your ability to make our country a “more perfect union”!
You can make a difference!
All the best,
Grandma M